City Projects

Each year, as part of the Capital Improvement Plan, the City Council authorizes a variety of projects. A number of the projects come from the Comprehensive Plan that was adopted by the City in 2016, and updated in 2020. Other projects came from the Parks Master Plan that was adopted by the City in 2021. This page is designed with the goal of keeping residents informed as to what projects are budgeted, a timeline of completion, and major milestones as they occur. 

For projects that deal with flood mitigation, such as the Berm and Wall Street Neighborhood Drainage project, and home elevations, please refer to our Long Term Flood Recovery Page.

For the Seattle Street Reconstruction Project please click here.

You can also find costs for these projects on our Open Finance Portal

Click on the project below to jump to that section.

Gateway, Marquee, Wayfinding, Building and Street Signs


Gateway and Marquee Signs

The Gateway and Marquee Signs were a project that came from the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. In 2018 the City Council adopted the Gateways and Wayfinding Master Plan. The plan also included new street signs that incorporated the city logo. 

For FY 2019 and FY 2020 the City Council allocated $1 million each year (for $2 million total) for the project. For budgetary reasons the project was split in two phases. After several discussions with Harris County and no movement towards approval, some gateways originally planned to be in Phase 1 were moved to Phase 2. 

The types of signs, locations for them, and the phase for each are as follows. 

Sign Location Sign Type Project Phase
1 North Eldridge Pkwy and US 290 Large Gateway Phase 2
2 Philippine and Beltway 8 Large Gateway Phase 2
3 Jones Road near FM 529 Large Gateway TBD
4 Jones Road south of US 290 Large Gateway TBD
5 Jersey Drive at Lakeview near Fire Station Marquee Sign Phase 1
6 Senate Ave and Seattle St Marquee Sign Phase 2
7 Philippine Street and Equador Street Marquee Sign Phase 1
8 Village Drive and Rio Grande Marquee Sign Phase 1
9 Jones Road at Jersey Meadow Marquee Sign Phase 1
10 Jones Road near Wyndham Lake Blvd Small Gateway Phase 2
11 Senate Ave at US 290 Small Gateway Phase 2
12 Jersey Drive at US 290 Small Gateway Phase 1
13 Jones Road north of US 290 Small Gateway Phase 2
14 Steeple Way and US 290 Small Gateway Phase 2
15 West Road and US 290 Small Gateway Phase 2


Phase 1 Status

The contract to work with Clark Condon for the design of the Phase 1 project was approved by City Council in October 2018. As noted earlier Phase 1 was modified to remove signs in the Harris County Right Of Way and the full contract amount will not be spent. The Phase 2 contract contains the rest of these signs.

In October 2019 the City Council awarded the contract for Phase 1 of the signs to be completed. The original contract amount was $278,241.39.

The marquee sign on Philippine near Equador was modified from the original design to ensure the electrical components were adequately the base flood elevation as required by local ordinances. 

As of November 17, 2020 the project is substantially complete. There are a few punch list items that need to be completed before Phase 1 is finalized. Those items should be completed by November 20. 

As of November 30 the project is complete. With two change orders for the project the final cost for Phase 1 construction came to $294,478.51. 

One marquee screen at the Fire Station has been sent to the manufacturer for warranty work. As of August 9 the manufacturer is evaluating the work that needs to be done. 


Phase 2

In November 2019 the City Council authorized a contract with Clark Condon for Phase 2 of the design and construction management of the gateway and wayfinding signs project. 

As of mid-October 2020 Phase 2 is under design. A traffic engineer is assisting Clark Condon and the City to study traffic patterns, at the request of Harris County, around the areas where the gateways and signs will be installed. The initial study has been completed and is waiting for feedback from Harris County. Design and permitting work should be completed by early 2021, with this portion of the project out to bid in the spring of 2021. 

As of the week of January 18, 2021 the project has been submitted to permitting at TXDOT, Harris County, and the City. Each jurisdiction is reviewing the permits. As of April 2021 we are still waiting for permit approval from Harris County.

The project is out to bid as of May 19. The City Council is scheduled to award a bid at their June Council meeting and work should commence in July 2021. 

On June 21, 2021 the City Council awarded the project to Millis Development and Construction. They were the lowest responsible bid with a bid amount of $562,529. As of June 23, 2021 contract documents are being drafted. A Notice To Proceed will be issued in July. The contract has 160 days for the project to be completed. Work is expected to be done by the end of 2021. 

The week of August 9th the contract has begun to stage materials at City Hall. 

As of August 23, 2021 the contractor is working on the Layout and Foundations Electrical Rough-ins for the signs located at N. Eldridge, West, Steepleway, and Jones Road near Wyndham Lake Blvd. This is expected to take 30 days. The full project schedule, as of August 20, 2021 can be found here.   

As of October 11 the following work is being completed:

  • Removing left over trash after completion of grout fill at CMU, at all locations except for the Large Gateway Monument (at BW 8 and Philippine St).
  • Applying waterproofing onto built CMU.
  • Coordinating electrical and irrigation borings.
  • Coordinating start of irrigation at all locations except for the Large Gateway Monument (at BW 8 and Philippine St).  We were waiting on review of the irrigation submittals.
  • Releasing and ordering cast stone and brick, finalizing shop drawings for the stone veneer.
  • Coordinating built out of the sign cabinets with Signage Contractor, waiting for their update on the lead times.

The contractor is still working through the digital marquee specs. Manufacturing constraints will delay the installation of the marquee. 

As of October 25 the following work has been completed:

  • Boring the (6) electrical and (4) irrigation sleeves
  • Working on electrical underground
  • Starting irrigation, and preparing to run it to the irrigation marks where the bores are coming
  • Starting soil preparation and backfill using approved landscape soil mix
  • Have released brick and cast stone for delivery.  All should be delivered by 11/15.
  • Revising shop drawings for the stone veneer
  • Ordered two digital display monitors and obtained the intake/air circulating fans for inside of the digital display cabinet. 
  • Signage in production.  

As of November 11 the following work has been completed:

  • Borings at Eldridge @ 290; West Rd @ 290, and Steeple Way @ 290.  Other bores Senate @290 and Jones @ 290 are still pending.
  • Underground electrical work is continuing. We are waiting on CenterPoint for the meters.
  • Irrigation work is underway. 
  • Stone and brick is ordered and awaiting delivery.
  • Digital displays for marquee sign has been ordered and scheduled to be here early December.
  • Signage is in production and scheduled for on time delivery. 

Project update for December 20, 2021

  • Foundation for large gateway sign at Philippine and Beltway is done. 
  • Underground electrical work is underway at the locations where work has been approved.
  • Bricks and cast stone have been installed at several locations, and remaining locations will happen this week. 
  • Stone veneer is scheduled to arrive this week.
  • Signage is in production.
  • Digital display monitors should be here before the end of the year. 

Project update for January 6, 2022

  • Work is moving forward on the large gateway at Philippine and the Beltway. 
  • Upon completion of the foundation work, they have started stone work, and completed it to the extent possible.  The rest of the masonry and cast stone work is equally complete to the extent possible.
  • Continuing work on irrigation and inspections. 
  • Coordinating with Bakers’ Signs to start signage at all locations.  Digital displays have arrived. 
  • Stone veneer has not yet arrived. 
  • Drainage rock for the signs will be received and installed this week. Backfill and landscape will follow. 
Project Update March 2022
  • The signs have been installed.
  • Signs that have been hit by graffiti are awaiting new stones to be set. 
  • Electricity has not yet been completed. The contractor, electrician, and CenterPoint are working to get electricity set up. 
  • Landscaping work is nearing completion. 

Project Update May 2022

  • Project is nearing completion.
  • Awaiting CenterPoint to install electric meters and contractor to finish electric work.

Project Update June 2022

  • Substantial completion walk has been done. The contractor is working on punch list items. 



Wayfinding and Building Signs

On September 21, 2020 the City Council authorized a contract for wayfinding and building signs. 

For building signage there will be new signs at City Hall, Police, Fire Station, and Public Works. There will also be new signs at Carol Fox Park and Clark Henry Park. The current signs at the parks will not be removed. The sign at City Hall would be built so it could be removed when City Hall moves and the foundation of the sign could be reused for a new sign for whatever is at the current location.

For the wayfinding signs 8 locations where identified:

  • Jones and Village Green
  • Village Dr near Rio Grande
  • Jersey Dr near Fire Station
  • Senate and Seattle
  • Senate and Lakeview
  • 2 on Lakeview at Jersey (one going each direction)
  • Lakeview and Philippine 

The new signs were installed November 12, 2020. The total cost for this project was $17,970.


Street Signs

The Street Signs were replaced in the fall of 2018 to the current ones we have today. The cost of this was $4,340.

The conceptual drawings of the different types of signs are seen below. Click on the image to see a larger version of it. 

City Gateway Signs
Wayfinding Signs

Clark Henry Park Play Structure - Completed


As part of the FY21 budget (which starts on 10/01/2020) the City Council authorized $75,000 for a new playground structure at Clark Henry Park. Staff is currently evaluating options for a structure, including turnkey installation, that can be installed. 

The Parks and Rec Committee has provided input into the type of structure they would like to see. They are gathering input from the community during April 2021. Staff will be meeting with equipment representatives during April.

After input from the Parks and Rec Committee it has been decided to put in a rock climbing wall. It has six different courses to cross it, ranging from beginner to advanced. A picture of the wall is below. Click the image to enlarge it.

climbing rock wall

Construction will not begin before the week of July 5. A large amount of our Fourth of July Festivities will be taking place at Clark Henry Park, so it is prudent to delay construction until after that date. The project will be completed by the end of September 2021.  

Due to all of the rain in June and July the start date for this project has been pushed back to August 15. The project should still end by the end of September 2021. 

As of August 23, 2021 the poles for this structure have been set. The new structure should be ready for use within 2-4 weeks.

This feature was installed the week of September 6, and opened for public use on September 10. 

Pool Amenity - Completed

The City is going to replace the diving board at Clark Henry pool, which broke during the 2020 swim season. As of mid-October 2020 Parks and Recreation Staff are obtaining pricing on various options for a new feature. The options being considered include:

  • A diving board
  • A rock wall
  • An inflatable obstacle course 

The Parks and Recreation committee will review the options, and the public will have the opportunity to weigh in on their choice via a survey this winter. The new amenity will be ready for the opening of the pool season in May 2021. 

As of January 2021 it has been determined a diving board is the only option that would be feasible given the budget and other constraints. Other features are being considered for possible inclusion in future budgets to improve our pool.

As of April 19 the new diving board has been installed and is ready for action this summer. 

Pool House Remodel - Completed

This project includes relocating the entrance doors to the restroom, expanding the cashier and lifeguard room (while reducing the size of the adjacent storage facility), converting that storage area to a family changing room and adding two temporary portable AC units. The relocation of the bathroom entrance is imperative to enable staff to effectively monitor the entrance, crowd control, ticketing and child safety (ensuring they aren’t near the exit adjacent to the parking lot while using the restroom). The family changing room will be an appreciated amenity from all residents and the expansion of the cashier/lifeguard room is long overdue. The current size isn’t large enough to house more than 3 people. The project duration is 60 days after notice to proceed is given.

The City Council approved this project during the February 22, 2021 Council Meeting. 

The project NOT TO EXCEED estimate came in at $69,300 to be completed by Brown and Root who are members of National IPA cooperative purchasing. The Notice To Proceed was issued in early March 2021 and the project should be finished by the end of April 2021. 

As of April 9 the major construction work has been completed. The cement blocks are curing before the finishing touches can be put on. 

As of May 14 this project has been completely finished, and the pool house is ready for the summer 2021 season.

Pool Re-Decking Project - Completed


For Fiscal Year 2021 the Council approved a budget containing funds to resurface the deck at the pool. The pool deck has the original surface from its construction in 1975, which leads to a few issues. First, the deck’s grading is poor and results in sitting water around much of the deck when it rains, leading to algae and stains on the deck. Second, the deck has many cracks and parts of the surface have begun to come up. Third, there are better surfaces now that stay cooler for the bare feet running around. Finally, the coping from the deck to the pool is coming loose and cracking in some places, so we will look at re-coping the pool in this project.

We will also:

  • Replace a diving board that went out of commission in June 2020;
  • Replace drainage pipes that have ruptured and no longer drain to the storm drain.
  • Run a new pipe from the pool pump room to the slide to use filtered and clean water – saving us thousands annually on chemical and water costs. 

The Project cost is expected to be about $83,000. This project was approved as part of the Fiscal Year 2021 budget.  The project commenced in February 2021. The construction phase of this project wrapped up the week of April 12, 2021. A final walk through will happen the week of April 19, and any punch list items will be completed by May 15. 

As of May 14 this project has been completed, and the pool is ready for the summer 2021 season.

Generators for the Police Station, Fire Station, and Village Water Plant - Completed


In June 2020 the City Council authorized a grant application to be submitted to FEMA, through TDEM, as part of their Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) in response to Tropical Storm Imelda. The grant application was for generators to be installed at the Police Station, Fire Station, and the Village Water Plant. The estimated cost for all three generators $284,000, and the grant could cover 75%.

On June 9, 2021 the City was notified that the grant application was funded. The grant was funded at $213,000, with a local cost share of $71,000, for a total project cost of $284,000. The grant will fund new natural gas generators at the Police and Fire Station as Natural Gas is easily accessible there. The Water Treatment Plant will be a diesel Generator. All of the generators will have the automatic transfer switch, NEMA rated enclosures, and include all installation and commission costs.

As of June 23, 2021 we have had a kick off meeting for the grant project with TDEM. RFP's were issued in July and are due in August. The RFP should be awarded during the September 2021 City Council meeting. The grant must be completed in 2024, but completion of the project is expected in the first half of 2022.  

RFP's were opened in late August. The City Council will make an award decision on September 20, 2021.

On September 20, 2021 the City Council awarded the proposal to Total Energy Solutions. The total project cost as bid was $260,209.52. The project will commence in late September. 

As of October 25 the generators have been ordered. We are awaiting delivery and installation.

Two generators are expected to be installed in May 2022. The third transfer switch has not yet been scheduled for delivery. Once delivery has happened installation should occur within 2 weeks. We anticipate installation to occur in July.

As of August 18, 2022 generators for the Police and Fire Station have been installed. The water plant generator should be installed before the end of August 2022. 

Generators have been installed at 3 locations. A new natural gas meter is needed from CenterPoint for the Police Station generator. Once that meter has been installed the new generator will be connected and the project will be complete. 

The new gas meter was installed in late September and the project was completed in early October 2022. 

Street Light Upgrades

As part of the FY22 budget, which starts on October 1, 2021, the City Council allocates $250,000 to be spent on upgrading street lights to the decorative style from the cobra style streetlight that exists today. There are approximately 525 street lights of the cobra style in the City. It is anticipated changing out all street lights will take 5 years, and there will be approximately 100 lights changed per year.

The map below shows the proposed schedule of the street light replacement. Please note the pin placements are approximate, and the schedule/timing of each light is subject to change. Street projects that are scheduled within the next 2-4 years will have those lights changed out with the project. 


FY22 Project

The new poles were ordered in December 2021. Due to the lead time delivery of the poles is expected in May 2022. CenterPoint will schedule the work to be done and the old lights will be replaced and new ones installed at the same time. Installation is expected to take several weeks.

The FY22 Project is underway in February 2023. All new street lights should be installed by the end of February. 

As part of the FY23 budget changing out more street lights was not included. FY23 and future street light replacements are currently on hold. 

As part of the FY24 budget more street lights were scheduled to be replaced. The street light replacement has been ordered with CenterPoint. A schedule of installation has not been received by them.

Pool House Restroom Fixtures - Completed

As part of the FY22 Budget the City Council approved $15,000 for new fixtures in the restroom at the pool. This project will be completed before the pool opens for the 2022 Swimming Season.

As of January 11, 2022 staff is getting quotes on the fixtures. 

As of February 7, 2022 the new fixtures are being installed. The work should be completed by February 18.  

This project was completed in February 2022 and is ready for the 2022 swimming season! 

Dog Park Improvements

As part of the Parks Master Plan improvements to the dog park were ranked as a high priority. As part of the FY22 Budget the City Council allocated $35,000 towards these improvements. 

The planned improvements include:

  • Site furnishings, such as:
    • Litter bins
    • Benches
    • Bike Racks
    • Picnic Tables
  • Lighting
  • Water Fountains

As of August 23, 2021 the Parks and Recreation Department is in the planning stages of this project. 

May 2022 update - this project has been postponed to FY23 due to cost increases and to gain additional stake holder input. 

Jersey Meadow Nature Trail Site Furnishings and Water Fountain

As part of the Parks Master Plan improvements to the Jersey Meadow Nature Trail were ranked as a high priority. As part of the FY22 Budget the City Council allocated $50,000 towards these improvements. The Capital Improvement Plan calls for another $50,000 to be budgeted to this project in FY23 as well. 

The planned improvements include:

  • Site furnishings, such as:
    • Litter bins
    • Benches
    • Bike Racks
    • Picnic Tables
  • Lighting
  • Water Fountains

As of August 23, 2021 the Parks and Recreation Department is in the planning stages of this project. 

May 2022 update - this project has been postponed. It may include a pavilion that would match the Golf Course Club House that is currently in design. 


Rock Wall Pool Amenity - Completed

As part of the FY22 Budget the City Council allocated $50,000 to be utilized to put a rock wall climbing structure at the pool. The wall would go in the deep end of the pool. Users can climb the rock wall and fall back off the wall into the pool. 

This feature will be ready for the 2022 swimming season.

As of January 11, 2022 this has been installed and is ready for the 2022 swimming season. 

Restrooms at Carol Fox Park - Completed

As part of the FY22 the City Council allocated $100,000 for restrooms to be installed at Carol Fox Park. 

As of August 23, 2021 the Parks and Recreation Department is in the planning stages of this project. 

As of January 11, 2022 this restroom has been ordered. It is a 120 day manufacturing period. Staff is working on the utilities and pad for the site. This project is scheduled to be completed by the end of August 2022. 

This project was completed in August 2022. The restrooms are available for use!

Golf Course Fence along Rio Grande - Completed

The chain link fence along Rio Grande for the Golf Course will be replaced with a wrought iron fence. The project is schedule to start on October 11 and should be completed by November 1. The schedule is dependent on the weather. 

This project was completed on November 1 as scheduled.

Zoning Ordinance Update - Completed

During the February 2022 City Council meeting the City Council authorized a contract with a not to exceed amount of $25,000 to BBG Consulting to assist the city with updating our Zoning Ordinance. BBG Consulting has worked with the city for several years to provide building inspections and took over building official duties for the city starting in March of 2021. 

The Planning and Zoning Commission has created a subcommittee that is meeting monthly with staff and the consultant to review sections of the ordinance. 

In April 2022 the Residential portions of the ordinance were reviewed. The Residential portions of the project were being reviewed during July and August. They will be presented to Council in October.

The Commercial portions of the zoning ordinance are being worked on. It is anticipated that the Planning and Zoning Commission will review this work in March with an action item for Council consideration in April or May. 

This project was completed, and City Council approved the ordinance changes in May 2023. You can read the updated ordinance online here.

Automatic Meter Reading - Completed

As part of the FY23 Budget the City budgeted for automatic meter reading. This would allow for meters to be read remotely and automatically at 15 minute intervals. As part of this project residents could log in to view their water usage in near real time. 

The equipment necessary for this project has been ordered. Delivery is scheduled for summer 2023. Implementation is expected to take several weeks. The project should be completed late summer 2023.

August 10, 2023 Update
The equipment delivery has been delayed by the manufacturer. They are now anticipating equipment delivery to be delivered in the Fall. The project should be completed before the end of 2023.

The equipment was delivered and installed in November 2023. A portal that residents can utilize to see their meter usage and set alerts will be active in early January 2024. 

Golf Course Club House


On January 7, 2022, during a City Council Workshop Meeting, the Council reviewed the history of the Golf Course Clubhouse project and discussed the options available regarding the future of the Jersey Meadow Clubhouse.  The options outlined included renovating the existing facility, using the existing new design from PGAL Inc., designing a more cost-efficient clubhouse and event space, and designing a new clubhouse while gutting and remodeling the existing facility to use as an event space. City council agreed that the best option moving forward would be to design a new clubhouse containing a pro shop, offices, bar & grill, bathrooms, and storage while also designing the remodel of the existing clubhouse into an enclosed pavilion for events, and they directed staff to prepare a request for proposal for the design of a new clubhouse facility.  

During the February Council meeting the City Council authorized the City Manager to begin negotiating a contract with FGM Architects for the design of a new club house.  The proposed contract utilized a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) format. 

During the June Council meeting, the City Council authorized the City Manager to begin negotiating an agreement with Brookstone Construction for Construction Manager at Risk of the new Jersey Meadow Golf Course Club House.

Staff held the schematic design work sessions during the months of April, May, and June where they used existing stakeholder input from the previous PGAL design, lessons learned, additional staff input with recommendations from FGMA to refine the schematic design towards an initial draft for presentation to council.   

Brookstone was introduced to the design team at the end of June, and they were provided with the schematic design draft so that they could begin formulating the initial budget estimate. During the month of July, the budget estimate was presented to the design team.  This estimate came in over our budget, so the design team began to brainstorm alternative solutions.  These alternative solutions were presented to the design team in August.   

During the September 12, 2022, Council Meeting, Council reviewed the alternative solutions and advised staff to move forward with the exhibit that included the new clubhouse, renovation to the existing building, an updated budget along with the requirement to add sprinklers to the design for fire safety.  

 Staff held two meetings to continue to review the interior renderings as they have developed further.  Exhibit A shows the developed rendering concept as the design team continues to work through the details.  All furniture that doesn’t have a texture or color is placed in the rendering as a placeholder as we continue to finalize the compete concept.  We have moved towards a final rendering for the clubhouse and are now focused on the event center portion.   
As of December 2022 Staff is more confident that we will be able to move forward with the upgraded sanitary line rather than the lift station.  The civil engineers are finalizing the calculations and site plan to ensure that this route will be sufficient.  In addition, the civil engineers are investigating drainage, and the existing fire hydrant flow rate as well as any potential solutions/renovations we may need to consider.  The design team, as well as Brookstone, will price together add/delete alternates for Council to consider along with the GMP.    


Schedule update: 

The design team, as well as Brookstone has requested to extend the GMP delivery to the March 2023 Council Meeting to allow them a few more weeks to price out the add/delete alternates and to ensure the most cost effective and complete GMP, to which staff has granted that extension.  An ideal construction timeline, though subject to change, would still have construction start May 2023, a targeted clubhouse move-in date of April 2024 with a few soft openings in May of 2024 followed by a late summer 2024 move into the event center. * 

*Subject to change  


Click here for the update for December 19, 2022

Sanitary Sewer Line Inspections and Rehab - FY23

The City is doing a pilot project for sewer line inspections with Sewer Vue. This assessment uses CCTV, LiDAR, Sonar, and PPR. This gives us accurate pipe thickness measurements, helps us determine the remaining useful Iife of the pipes, and it find any major issues. If issues are found they will be fixed. Otherwise this data will help us plan and prioritize future sewer line Capital Improvement Projects. 

The pilot project did not go as the city had hoped. A new company is being considered to help us with the sewer line inspections and rehab. 

Water valve exercise and repair

The City has entered into a contract to have all of our water valves exercise and tested. If valves are not functional or broken they would be repaired. The contractor is scheduled to start this project January 3, 2023. 

The testing of valves was completed. Valves that were needing repair, or that were unable to be located during the initial phase will be completed before the end of 2023. 

Sidewalk and Street Panel Repair/Replacement - FY23

For FY23 the Council authorized $100,000 for sidewalks and $125,000 for street panel replacements. The work is expected to begin in January 2023. For the latest information on which sidewalks have been replaced and which ones are yet to be replaced please click here.

Carol Fox Park Improvements - Complete

In November 2022 the City Council authorized improvements to the Carol Fox Park Sandbox levy and to install a "mini city" play items in the sandbox. This project is estimated to cost $150,000 and should get underway Spring 2023. 

The levy at the Carol Fox sandbox will be installed by the middle of March. A portion of the sandbox will be closed during the construction. 

The levy was installed in March 2023. The mini city play items will be installed September 2023. 

This project was completed in October 2023.