Chapter 14 at Section 14-21 of the Code of Ordinances establishes the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Commission consists of seven members appointed by the mayor with approval of the council. Members shall be appointed during the month of October. Each member shall be a resident of the city. The members of the commission shall be identified by place numbers (1) through (7). Places (1), (2), (3) and (4) are appointed in odd number years, and places (5) and (6) and (7) are appointed in even numbered years. Appointments are made in October, and members serve a term of two years. Should a vacancy occur, the mayor, with approval of the council, shall appoint a person to complete the unexpired term of such position.
The Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting per quarter. Special meetings may be held on call of the chairperson or by a majority of the Commission qualified. The Commission shall elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson at the first regularly scheduled meeting after the October appointments who shall serve for a period of one year. All members including the chairperson shall vote in matters considered by the commission. The City Secretary shall serve as ex officio (nonvoting) Secretary of the Commission and shall keep minutes, books, files and other records of the Commission and perform such other duties as are incidental to the office. Any four voting members of the commission present shall constitute a quorum to conduct business.
Following are the responsibilities of the Commission:
Advise the City Council in the preparation and maintenance of a comprehensive plan and related studies;
Advise the City Council in establishing criteria for development of land;
Approve or disapprove all subdivision and development plats within the City and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ);
Assist the City Council in conducting public hearings as may be required to gather information necessary for the drafting, establishment and maintenance of the comprehensive plan and ordinances and regulations related to it;
Recommend policies to the City Council for guiding action affecting development in the city and its environs; and
Perform other duties that may be specifically assigned to it by the city council that may have a bearing on the preparation or accomplishment of the comprehensive plan.
The Planning and Zoning Commission also serves as the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee.