On July 17, 2017, the City Council for the City of Jersey Village, Texas approved Ordinance No. 2017-26, establishing the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Two (TIRZ), City of Jersey Village Texas.
In establishing the TIRZ, the Council also created a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board. This Board of Directors consists of seven (7) members: five (5) Directors shall be appointed by the City Council; and two (2) Directors shall be appointed by the County Commissioners Court. Since Harris County has elected not to participate in the TIRZ, all seven Director seats have been appointed by the City Council.
All appointments for regular members shall be for a term of 2 years starting on January 1, except vacancies for unexpired terms, which shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Qualifications to serve as a Board Member require that all regular Board Members shall be at least 18 years of age and be a resident of the County; or own real property in the zone, whether or not the individual resides in the county.
Each year the Board shall elect one of its members to serve as Chairman for a one-year term that begins on January 1 of the following year. The Board of Directors may elect a Vice-Chairman to preside in the absence of the Chairman or when there is a vacancy in the office of Chairman. The Board may elect other officers, as it considers appropriate.
The Board shall act as an advisory board to the City Council in the operation and administration of Zone Number 2; and all actions by the board are subject to City Council approval. The authority and responsibility of the board expressly includes:
- Make recommendations to the City Council regarding the administration of the Zone;
Make recommendations to the City Council regarding agreements that are necessary or convenient to implement the project plan and reinvestment zone financing plan;
Make recommendations to the City Council regarding agreements with local governments or political subdivisions for management of the zone or implementing the project plan and reinvestment zone financing plan;
Make recommendations to the City Council regarding the expenditure of TIF Fund Number 2 funds related to development and redevelopment of land within the zone, in conformance with the following process;
Act as the lead entity in working with other boards and commissions regarding incentives, regulations, infrastructure, and all other physical and economic development decisions related to the Zone number 2; and
Provide a progress report to the City Council annually, or as requested by the City Council.
The Board shall hold at least one regular meeting per quarter. These meetings shall be open to the public and at a time and place of their choosing. All members including the Chairperson shall vote in matters considered by the Board.