Courtney Rutherford
16327 Lakeview Drive
Jersey Village, Texas, 77040
The City Secretary is appointed by the City Council. She is responsible for managing and coordinating the agenda process for City Council, the Board of Adjustment, the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Boards Two and Three, the Charter Review Commission, the Crime Control and Prevention District Board, the Fire Control Prevention and Emergency Medical Services District, and the Village Center Local Government Corporation Board. She conducts the City's general and special elections; serves as the City’s Records Manager and Public Information Officer; and coordinates and manages the public information function including compliance with Public Information Act.
The City Secretary also serves as custodian of the City corporate seal; attests the Mayor's and/or City Manager’s signature on all official documents; records and files deeds and easements; coordinates the codification of City ordinances into the City Code of Ordinances; publishes all legal ads and notices for the City; receives bids and attends bid openings; maintains all board and committee meeting minutes for which she serves as Secretary; posts all legal notices and agendas; develops and oversees the City Secretary Department Budget; and researches, interprets, and successfully implements complicated laws and judicial statues as they relate to the duties and responsibilities of the City Secretary.