The City of Jersey Village is excited to announce residents can now sign up to receive their utility bill via email every month. 

The process is simple and easy to do. 

  1. Use this link to go to your online utility bill account.
  2. Log in to your account. If you don't have an account click on "Register".
  3. Once you're logged in click on Water/Sewer at the top or on the right hand side. 
    ebill registration screenshot 1
  4. If your account is not listed there click on "Add Account". If your account is listed skip to step 6.
    ebill registration screenshot 2
  5. Enter your Account Number and last payment amount, which you can find on your most recent bill. 
    ebill registration screenshot 2.1
  6. On the right hand side click on "Sign up for e-Billing".
    ebill registration screenshot 3
  7. Select the spot under Email Electronic Copy and enter your email address.
    ebill registration screenshot 4
  8. Click Update and you are done!


Once you are signed up for e-bills you will not receive a paper copy of your bill anymore. You can log in and see or download a PDF version of your bill. 

If you haven't already done so, now is a great time to also sign up for free and easy automatic bank draft for your utility bill. If you sign up for this your utility bill will automatically be deducted from your account on the 25th of the month. To sign up for this please complete and return this form.

Even out the highs & lows of your monthly utility payments!


The City of Jersey Village now has Average Monthly Payments (AMP) sometimes referred to as budget billing.  The City of Jersey Village Average Monthly Payment (AMP) program is designed to help customers avoid unpredictable and fluctuating bills by leveling out payments over the year allowing customers to budget their monthly payments.  The AMP is for residential customers and is a free service.




  • Residential customer must request AMP
  • Customer must have had a minimum of twelve (12) months of continuous utility service with the City of Jersey Village
  • Balance must be current with no past due amounts owed
  • No non-payment cutoffs within the past twelve (12) months
  • If removed from AMP for any reason, cannot be added back to AMP for twelve (12) months.


Monthly payment will change each month based on the rolling average of the prior twelve (12) months of bills & will begin with the billing cycle after this agreement. If the account is eligible, extensions may be granted while on the AMP program. If services are cutoff for non-payment or for any reason while on the AMP program, the full balance will be due prior to reconnection and the account will be removed from the AMP program for twelve (12) months.


Fill out this form to enroll.

FAQs about Average Monthly Payment (AMP)

What is Average Monthly Payment (AMP)?

The AMP program averages the prior twelve (12) months of utility bills to determine an average monthly payment amount due.  This is a rolling twelve (12) months so the average monthly payment due will fluctuate monthly.


What are the benefits of AMP?

The benefits of AMP are to help avoid unpredictable bills by leveling out monthly payments to help you budget accordingly. 


Who can enroll in AMP?

All residential customers who are current with no past due balances, have had a minimum of twelve (12) months of continuous utility service and no non-payment cutoffs within the prior twelve (12) months.


What are my monthly energy costs with AMP?

You will pay your AMP amount each month.  Your actual electric, natural gas & water consumption is still billed. 


How do you calculate my AMP?

The AMP amount is calculated by taking the current month plus the prior eleven (11) months of bills & dividing by 12.  (Example:  12 months of bills total $5,671.81 divided by 12 = $472.65. This month your AMP would be $472.65)


How can I enroll in the AMP program?

You can easily request enrollment with our online enrollment request form.  Complete the online form and a staff member will contact you to let you know if you are approved. 


When does AMP take effect?

It will take effect on the next billing cycle after enrollment.


Does the AMP amount ever increase or decrease?

Yes.  Since this is an average of your prior twelve (12) months of utility bills, the amount due will change each month based on the average of your actual bill.


Is there a ”settle-up” period?

No, there is no settle-up period.  Only if you request to be removed from the program, are removed from the program due to non-payment or discontinue services you will then be required to pay the full balance on the account.