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Clarification on Water and Sewer Rate Ordinance

We want to address an issue regarding the recent utility rate study and the subsequent ordinance affecting water and sewer rates.

In 2023, the City conducted a comprehensive utility rate study to assess our water and sewer rates, ensuring they reflect the true cost of service and maintenance needs. The findings and recommendations from that rate study are available here.

When updating the rates through the City Council ordinance, we encountered clerical errors that affected the rates billed for water and sewer services.

Here's what happened and how we're addressing it:

Water Rates:
- The monthly base fee for water was correctly updated according to the study.
- However, the consumption rates were not adjusted, leading to a lower charge in the November 2023 bills than what was recommended.

Sewer Rates:
- The monthly base fee and consumption rates were updated, but the consumption rate table header was inaccurately marked, causing confusion.
- The consumption rates intended for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) were mistakenly labeled as FY21 rates, and the rates scheduled for FY24 were erroneously set for FY27. This has resulted in higher current consumption rates than recommended.

We assure you that the rates being charged match those approved by the City Council; the issue lies in the documentation, where the approved ordinance does not align with the rate study’s recommendations.

City staff is drafting an ordinance for Council to approve in November to fix the error. Staff are exploring solutions for the City Council to consider at their November meeting to correct these discrepancies that exist in the November bill.

We sincerely apologize for any confusion this has caused and are committed to transparency and rectifying the situation. Please stay tuned for updates following the Council’s review. We appreciate your understanding and are here to answer any questions you may have about your utility billing.

If you have questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to us

Again, we apologize for this oversight and thank you for your patience as we work towards a resolution.